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"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God."


Your support means the WORLD to us!

Your financial support will enable us to devote our time to missions work rather than to generating support. Contributions may be tax-deductible* and will go toward ministry and living expenses. We also intend to provide financial support to the organizations in which we serve. This means your contributions may also provide medical supplies, clothing, tools, and more for the local populations in which we work.

Financial Support Instructions

Thank you SO much for considering partnering with us. We could not do this without you and your generosity! 

Donate Online:

Please click the button to the right. It will take you to our church's donation page. 

Donate By Mail:

Please make checks out to

Living Streams Church and in the memo, put EC22. The funds will not go to us unless EC22 is in the memo!


Cash/Checks can be mailed to:

Living Streams Church

7000 N Central Ave

Phoenix, AZ 85020


If sending cash, please include a note stating it is for EC22 or Ecuador for the Angulo Family


Living Streams Church 


*Always consult a tax professional regarding the deductibility of charitable contributions


Angulo Family

Hello! We are Rory & Claire Angulo, full-time missionaries in Cuenca, Ecuador. We want all to experience the joy, healing, and deep peace that comes with knowing Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Our heart is to love others well and bring the word of God to as many people as possible. All glory be to Christ!


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